Trail Ride Trail Ride Trail Ride Trail Ride Trail Ride Trail Ride

Trail Ride

Trail riding is riding outdoors on natural trails and roads as opposed to riding in an enclosed area such as a riding arena. Trail riding is one of the most rewarding and relaxing activities you can do with a horse.

It gets you both out of the arena, experiencing new sights, and breaks up a monotonous training routine. But it is not without its dangers, hoof care is extremely important when you are trekking out in the open. Trail rides may be informal activities of an individual or small group of people, or may be larger events organized by a club. Some trail rides may even be directed by professional guides or outfitters, particularly at guest ranches.

There are competitive events available, which test the horse and rider's ability to navigate obstacles commonly found on the trail, such as opening and closing gates, crossing streams, etc. The level of difficulty of a competitive ride will vary by trail or terrain, and riders are well advised to know the general difficulty of a trail before starting the ride. In recreational trail riding, speed and form are not the goals, but rather having fun and enjoying time spent with one's horse in nature.

Trail Ride Trail Ride Trail Ride Trail Ride Trail Ride Trail Ride Trail Ride Trail Ride